KØdo is a WIP home life management web app, started as my solo project of my full stack coding bootcamp at CodeOp.tech.
KØdo (from Estonian kodu 'home' + English do) is pitched as a homelife management solution for busy parents, to facilitate caring for their children via the sharing of important information on the children in the family between guardians, be they primary guardians, extended family guardians (such as grandparents), or temporary guardians (e.g. neighbours, friends).
The idea is for it to be a convenient tool to allow for scheduling of family life and storing of key data points, such as contact information of the children's schools and doctors, child dietary requirements and likes, upcoming appointments and events, etc.
The technologies and technical tools used included:
Admin panel view
From the admin panel, users add children and invite other guardians to their family.
Active invitation (invitor)
An active invitation to join another user's family as a guardian as seen by the invitor on the family view.
Active invitation (invitee)
An active invitation to join another user's family as a guardian as seen by the invitee on the family view.
Education view
Users can view details of their children's teachers.
Health view
Users can view details of their children's medical professionals.